26 Year Old Nigerian Invents Generator That Use Water


A 26-year-old Nigerian secondary school graduate named Emeka Nelson has become the talk of the town after seen showcasing his latest invention on his twitter handle.

Nelson, who has no university degree or any engeneering certificate has off-late been noticed for his wonderful inventions including the recent one.

Nigerian Invents Generator That Runs On Water
Source: Twitter

In a video sighted on his twitter account, the young man was talking about a generator that he invented. This generator runs on water instead of oil/petrol.

The 26-year-old secondary school graduate in the past also invented a machine that converts waste into petrol and diesel. A machine which is as portable as the hydroelectric generator.

Although the 26-year-old Emeka is not a certified engineer but has dedicated his time creating things that help in solving societal problems.

Emeka Nelson showed off his invention and spoke about how it works. 

Source: Twitter

26-Year-Old Secondary School Nigerian Graduate Invents Generator That Runs On WaterClick To Tweet

The machine which is, more or less, a breakthrough innovation has attracted the attention of many. Emeka Nelson has won a number of awards in the past for his innovative skill. See the Above video for the more details on the generator.

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